EURICON organized on behalf of the Chamber of Chania the Kick off General Assembly Meeting of the INNOVAGRO Network, in Chania, on 17 & 18/6/2022. At the meeting the official launch of the Network, its Action Plan and agreed new membership registrations – thereby strengthening the Network, were announced. All members of the Network and a large number of stakeholders from Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Serbia participated in this Assembly.
The following 13 Institutes from Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia and Albania already participate in the INNOVAGRO Network:
- Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Chania
- Region of Crete
- Technical University of Crete
- Network of Island Chambers of Commerce & Industry of the EU
- Province of Potenza
- E-zavod, Institute for integrated development solutions
- Italian Confederation of Agriculture
- Union of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Albania
- Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Serbia
- University of Basilicata
- Mediterranean Agricultural Institute of Chania
- University of Macedonia
- Ionian University
On the second day of the Meeting, a study visit was carried out by members of the European Network to 3 representative and modern Agri-Food businesses of Chania, which produce high quality local olive, wine and beekeeping products, encourage the introduction of innovations and promote the extroversion and internationalization of their businesses. A tasting test was also held in each business for the direct experience of the participants in relation to the added value of Chania products.
The INNOVAGRO Network is always open to new members and carriers from the ADRION region who are active at international, national, regional and local level and are interested in promoting the extroversion and the potential of internationalization of small and medium- sized agri-food enterprises.
For more information visit the project website: https://innovagro.adrioninterreg.eu/
The INNOVAGRO PLUS project is funded by the Territorial Cooperation Program “Interreg ADRION 2014-20”.