THE EURICON E.E.E. it was founded in 1990 to meet the needs of the implementation of the 1st Community Support Framework as regards to the provision of advisory services for the implementation, management and evaluation of projects co-financed by the structural funds of the then Huh.The.K.
During the 1990s, the EURICON expanded its activities, providing management consulting services to integrated programmes, as was the E.E.E. Thessaly 1994-99 and Continent 1994-99, and the K.E. Leader II.
The decades of the 2000 and 2010 were the decades of maturation of the EURICON, as well as the opportunity to specialise in the areas of agriculture, tourism, regional development and employment, assuming the implementation of specialized projects such as:
- the Implementation of Integrated Interventions in Mountain and Lakefront Areas.
- the Restructuring of Agricultural Holdings and the evaluation of Projects to Aid Farmers.
- the training of Operational Programmes of Municipalities.
- the evaluation of Local LEADER.
- the Studies of Tourism Development.
Today, the EURICON, crossing the threshold of the 4th decade of continuous and successful operation, proceeded with the upgrade of its international role, undertaking a range of projects with a transnational character in the framework of various european programmes. He also developed the field of organizing promotional and information events at national and transnational level.
Συγκεκριμένα, η EURICON παρέχει υπηρεσίες στους παρακάτω τομείς:
Εκπόνηση Μελετών Περιφερειακής / Αγροτικής/ Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης.
Management, Coordination and Evaluation of Operational Programmes and Projects co-financed by the Structural Funds.
Preparation of Business Plans and Marketing Plans business.
Organization of conferences, information days and workshops.
Upgrading of human resources and business reorganization.