EURICON participates in the sustainable utilization of unique species of Greek flora with floricultural value "ENDIMIKA KOPTOMENA ANTHI"
Within the framework of the Rural Development Program 2014 – 2020, Measure 16, Sub-Measure 16.1 – 16.5 "Cooperation for environmental projects, environmental practices and actions for climate change", the regional action is being implemented, with the title: "Establishment of an Operational Group (NRN) for the promotion of new floricultural species from rare-expensive indigenous plants of Greece, for the production of cut flowers with precision fertilizers" (M16ΣΥΝ2-00419).
The innovation of the project is based on the sustainable utilization of unique species of Greek flora with floricultural value, which have never been cultivated before. In addition, for the first time, fully characterized propagating material is being created with documented provenance and identity accreditation, as well as development of propagation and cultivation know-how for 5 new cut flower species and determination of their processing-treatment methods.
The selected 5 floricultural native species create a new direction for Greek flower growers for crops with reduced inputs and increased adaptability that contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, the protection of soil degradation, the adaptation to climate change and the production of new floral products for the domestic and international market, while at the same time they contribute to the off-site conservation of biodiversity and to alleviating the pressures that threaten it.
The Operational Group consists of 8 partners, with the coordinating body ELGO "DIMITRA", and in particular the Institute of Genetic Improvement and Plant Genetic Resources. The remaining members of the working group are Theofrastos – Pappas Anastasios, Vasilios Zafeiropoulos, Agricultural Flower Partnership of Athens, Association of Florists of Attica, Euricon Ltd., Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective and Social Benefit Greek Hero Foods, University of Thessaly – Department of Agriculture, Plant Production and Rural Environment – Laboratory of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture.
The act will be completed in 2025. More information can be found on the project website https://endimika-anthi.gr/ You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
With the co-funding of Greece and the European Union