Η EURICON LTD it consists of 4 independent parts, which are active in particular fields, and are staffed by the following high strains, with significant experience in the preparation and implementation of projects and programmes of national and international importance.

Division Strategies - Development Programmes & Projects


  • Management, Coordination, Evaluation and Monitoring of Operational Programmes co-financed by the Structural Funds.
  • Management, Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects co-financed by the Structural Funds.
  • Studies Of Regional Development & Integrated Development Programmes.


Siomadis Vassilios

Diploma In Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. Industrial Management with 20 years of professional experience in Management – Assessment – monitoring of Programmes and Projects co-financed by the eu.E., as well as advisory support business and the development of human potential. He speaks very good English.

Development Department - Business Reorganization & Organizations


  • Preparation Of Business Plans, Business & Organizations.
  • Elaboration Of A Technical-Economic Studies.
  • Writing Marketing plans & Market Research.
  • Studies BPR Business & Organizations.
  • Design & Implementation Of Quality Assurance Systems – Ensuring Food Hygiene.


Sylleli Irene

Agronomist, M.Sc. Food science, with 14 years of experience in providing consulting services, development & restructuring businesses and organizations, he has participated in the drafting of too many relevant feasibility studies for the establishment and modernisation of related enterprises. Also has a great knowledge in matters of food technology, processing and standardization of agricultural products but also in matters of quality assurance. Finally, it has rich experience in the design and application of systems of ISO and HACCP. He speaks very good English.

Department Of Information - Communication


  • Support for businesses and organisations in the introduction of computer systems.
  • Web design and development and other web applications.
  • Organization of conferences, information days, training programmes and workshops.
Secretariat - Accounting Office


  • Secretarial and Administrative Support to Projects and Programmes.
  • Administrative and Accounting Support of Projects & Programmes.


Constantine Chantzopoulos

Economist – Accountant, a Graduate in Economics from the Hellenic Open University. Has many years of professional experience in the financial – managerial – accounting support of projects co-financed from the eu structural funds.E.. Has supported accounting - tax consulting and διαχειριατικά many companies.