On the 7th and 8th of November 2024, the corporate scheme of the project with the title: "Joint e-course on the sustainable management of tourist destinations (SUSTOUR)", implemented in the framework of the ERASMUS + program, met in Granada, Spain, and participated in the 3rd Project Meeting and 3rd Multiplier Event that Granada Chamber of Commerce organised.
Specifically, the 6 partners came together from Italy, Greece and Spain: University of Sapienza (IT) leading the collaboration, EURICON Ltd (GR), University of Granada (SP), Ionian University (GR), CAN - National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises – Rome (IT) and Granada Chamber of Commerce (SP).
First Day
The first day begun with the 3rd International Hybrid Multiplier Event. Partners presented some of the training material produced so far and experts from Italy and Spain expressed their agreement with the methodology that was being used. Also, experts talked about regenerative tourism for the valorization of Italian internal areas and the challenges and the opportunities of sustainable tourism. Thereupon, the third International Project Meeting took place. The day ended with a guided tour in Albaicin and Sacromonte.
Second Day
During the second day, the project meeting started with speeches from professionals on the tourism sector. Subsequently, the SUSTOUR project was discussed at length and important decisions were taken.
For more information visit the project website: